Dr Neha Verma

Eye Disease,Glucoma

Glaucoma ntroduction:- Due to this disease, things do not visible clearly and the patient feels as if fog is spread before the eyes. Well, there is confusion about the reason of this disease but often this disease is due to sickness of the body. It can also occur with some other diseases.    Causes:- The main reasons of this disease are dripping diabetic mellilotus drugs as- anti-blood pressure, anti-depression and staridus, etc. in the eyes for a long time. This disease also occurs due to cataract. It can also occurs due to stare something for a long time, doing eyes work in dim light, weakness of the body, watching TV, reading in dim light and pressure on the eyes. Symptoms Of Glaucoma:- The patient suffering from this disease feels slight pain in one eye or around it, vision gets dim. The symptoms of this disease are ameliorated while sleeping or taking rest. The eyeballs become wide in the condition of this disease, discharging more tears, seems circle around the light. The patient feels nauseate and pain in his head and vomiting. The eyelids also become swell. Use of different drugs in the case of glaucoma:- 1. Gelsemium- If the patient is suffering from glaucoma with occurring pain which starts from the back part of the neck to the head, Gelsemium 3 or 30 should be used to cure such symptoms of the patient. 2. Spigelia:- If pain is occurring in the left section of the head due to glaucoma, Spigelia 3 or 30 should be taken to cure such symptoms of the disease. 3. Spynoza:- If Spigelia fails in the case of glaucoma and the patient is feeling pain in the right eye as if it will be broken up, to cure such symptoms of disease, giving Spynoza 6 is beneficial. 4. Colocynth:- If the patient is suffering from glaucoma with sciatica pain, to cure this type of symptom, using Colocynth 6 or 30 is very effective. 5. Cyclamen:- If fog or smoke is visible, using Cyclamen 3 is beneficial to cure this type of symptom of disease.  6. Aconite:- Aconite 6 should be used in the condition of glaucoma. 7. Argent-nit:- Argent-nit 6 can be used in the case of glaucoma. 8. Phosphorus:- Using Phosphorus 6 is very effective in the condition of glaucoma. 9. Belladonna:- Using Belladonna 6 is very effective in the case of glaucoma and if the eyes are not able to see properly. 10. Physostigma:- If the patient’s vision is weak or who is not able to see object properly far away or suffers from glaucoma, Physostigma 3 or 6 should be used.