Dr Neha Verma

Eye Disease,Exophthalmic Goitre

Exophthalmic Goitre Introduction This disease can occur due to disordering of the body organs and as hereditary. The eyes are also affected more in this disease. In this disease, the throat of the patient gets glands which affect more on the cheek, the patient becomes irritable temperament, pulse rate raised from 120 to 160 per minute, the heart beats, appearing small red pimples on the face, enlargement of the throat glands, the eyeballs seems as if coming out and the eyelids seems as if stretches inward, hands begin to shiver, the body becomes leans, anemia, nausea, sometimes feels fever or loose motions and sometimes mucus membrane becomes swell too. Treatment of Exophthalmic Goitre Sometimes this type of disease is cured by itself without taking any drugs. Bell, Veret-vir, Glonoine, Lycopus-vergi, etc. drugs should be used in the initial stage of this disease and to cure its chronic stage, drugs like-Natrum-mur 3 or 200, Sulphur 30, Sepia 30, etc. should be used resulting this type of disease is cured. If well chosen remedy makes no impression, surgery or X-ray is appropriate. In this disease, the patient should not used stimulants and should take as much rest as he can.