Dr Neha Verma

Children,Nose Diseases

Nose disease of the child Drugs Used In Nose Disease Of A Child:- 1. Red nose: If the nose of a child becomes red after taking meals, Apis 3x should be given to the child**. But if it becomes dark red, taking Carb-veg 6 or Borax 3 is very useful.** 2. Nose swelling: If the nose of a child has swelled due to exposure to cold or scrofula, giving Merc-sole 6 is beneficial. This drug affects more in the swelling of the nose with the secretion of watery phlegm from the nose and in the pain of the nose bones.** If Merc­-sole makes no impression, Hepar-sulphur 6 should be given.** 3. Wounds in the nose: Some children are very sensitive. Due to exposure to even little cold, their nose begins to secrete watery phlegm. By which wounds appear inside the nose. Due to wounds inside the nose, the child suffers more and unable to breathe properly. To cure such symptoms of a child, give Graphites 6 and drip Olive oil in their nose before going to bed at night.*" If wounds or pussy pimples occur inside the nose and smell comes due to decaying of wounds, using Kali-bi 6 is beneficial.** If small wounds or scabs have appeared around the nostril of a child, giving Nitric-acid 6 or 30 is very useful.** 4. Pussy pimples on the nose: Sometimes pussy pimples appear on the nose by which, a child feels difficulty in breathing. The nose feels tickling sensation and when the child touches it, he/she feels pain. Thus, giving Petroleum 3 is very useful.** 5. Burning sensation of the nose: If a child is suffering from burning sensation in the nose, giving Bell 2x in its initial stage is beneficial. If the nose is suffering from burning sensation for a long time, Arum-mur 3x should be taken.** 6. Feeling pressure in the root of the nose: If a child feels as if someone is pulling his nose root with pressure in the root of the nose, giving Kali-bicrome 3 is very effective.** If a child is suffering from pressure in the nose with pain in it, taking Capsicum 3 is very useful. 7. Disease of the front part of the nose: If the front part of the nose becomes hard and red with itching, Silicea 6 should be used. If the front part of the nose feels stretch with itching sensation, taking Carbo-animelis 6 is appropriate. Taking Oxalic acid 3 is very useful in the condition of burning pain in the front part of the nose. Amon-carb 3 should be used in the condition of small pimples on the front part of the nose. Giving Kali-brom 3x is very effective in the condition of pussy pimples on the nose. Using Borax 3 is very effective in the condition of boils and feeling stretch on the nose. If the front part of the nose has become red and fever has occurred too, giving Capsicum 3 is very effective. 8. Nose bleeding: If a child is suffering from nose bleeding, the mother tincture of Millefolium should be used. Sometimes children hurt each other on the nose while playing and bleeding starts from the nose. Thus, to stop bleeding, Arnica 3 should be given. Bleeding from the nose is also due to more physical weakness caused by any other disease or by lack of nutritive food. Thus, giving China 6 is very useful in this condition. Bryo 3 should be taken in the condition of morning nose bleeding, but in the condition of nose bleeding at night, using Merc-bi 6x (trit.) Sometimes children are suffering from nose bleeding due to any dangerous disease and sometimes due to collapse fever. In this condition, drugs should not be used. 9. Blocking the nose: The nose is blocked due to secretion of watery phlegm during cold-catarrh, but sometimes the nose remains block after the ends of cold-catarrh. By which, the child feels difficulty in breathing. He/she also has difficulty while drinking milk and sleeping. A rustling sound goes on coming in the condition of blocking the nose. Thus, using Dulkamara-3, Sambucus-3 or Nux-vomika-6, etc. is very effective. If a whizzing sound comes from the child’s chest with blocking the nose, giving Antim-tart 6 is beneficial. If the nose of a child has blocked due to watery secretion, Chamomilla 12 should be taken. If the nose is blocked due to dryness, put lukewarm pure mustard oil.