Dr Neha Verma

Children, Urinary Infection

Urinary disease of the child Use Of Different Drugs In The Case Of Urination In Large Volume Or Frequent (Again And Again) Urination:- Acid-phos or Uranium nitric:- Some of children are suffering from urination in large volume minimum 2 times in an hour. This type of child is not able to sleep well, has suffered from anemia and the body is turned yellow. Thus, 3x or 6 potency of Acid-phos or the powder of Uranium nitric-3 should be given to the child. Use of different drugs to remove the habit of wetting bed:- Belladonna:- If a child urinates on the bed during sound sleep, 6 potency of Belladonna should be given. Equisetum:- A child is suffering from enuresis due to inability to hold urine. In this disease, a child dreams about urination due to heaviness of the urinary bladder while sleeping. Thus, he/she urinates on the bed and thinks as if urinating outside. So, giving 6 potency or the mother tincture of Equisetum to the child suffering from such symptoms is beneficial. Gelsemium:- Giving Gelsemium 3x is very effective if the child is suffering from wetting the bed in day or night while sleeping. Benzoic-acid: If a child has the habit of wetting bed during sleep and foul smell comes from his urine, 3x of Benzoic-acid should be given. Lycopodium:- Give 6 potency of Lycopodium to the child in the condition of coming uric-acid in urine. This drug is very useful due to fast functioning on the urinary glands. Use of different drugs in the case of retention of urine:- Aconite:- If a baby does not urinate till 36 hours after birth, it has suffered from retention of urine. The baby feels restlessness due it. Thus, for quick relief, give 3 potency of Aconite 1 or 2 times. For more relief, drugs like- Belladonna-6, Cantharis-6 or Opium-30 can be also used. Sometimes this type of symptoms also seems in the older child. Due to retention of urine, the urinary bladder is swelled or becomes warm, intensive pain and restlessness occurs with it. Use of different drugs in the case of coming blood with urine:- Blood comes with urine due to measles and chickon pox. Thus, giving the mother tincture of Camphor, Cantharis-3x or Millefolium-1x, etc. is very effective. Use of different drugs when urine is unnatural in colour:- If the urine of a child comes in different colours, giving these drugs helps to change the urine in its natural colour. In the condition of coming black urine, give 6 potency of Colchi to the child. Using Apis-6, Terebinthina-6 or Cantharis-6 etc. drugs is appropriate in dark coloured urine. If urine is turbid (dusty), taking Belladonna-6, Chininum-sulph-6, Sili-3 or 200, Lyco-12, Acid-phos-6 or Terebinth-6 etc. drugs is very effective. It is very useful to give Cina-3x in the condition of coming yellow urine. If a child is suffering from white urine due to germs, Cina-3x or 200 should be taken. If urine of the child looks like chalk-solution or like milk, Cina-3x or 200, Acid-phos-6 or Viola Odor-3x, etc. drugs should be given to the child. If urine comes in black, any one of the drugs like-Aconite-3, Apis-6, Belladonna-6, Bryo-6, Cantharis-6 and Terebinth-6, etc. should be given to the child. If urine comes in yellow, Ceanothus-3x, Mamomilla-6 or Kali-phos-12x (trit.), etc. drugs should be given. If it is smoky in appearance, Terebinth-6 or Benzoic-6 should be used. If urine is concentrated (thick), Benzoic-acid-6, Camphor-30, Hepar-sulphur 6, Merc-Cor 6 and Phosphorus 6, etc. drugs are used. If it is blackish or brownish and white sediment mixed in it, taking Carbo-veg 30 is very effective.