Dr Neha Verma

Children Disease, Inability in digestion

Inability to digest Symptoms: There are few symptoms occur in a child due to disordering of the digestive system, which is very painful. The child feels coldness in his/her stomach just after eating, hiccup starts and rumbling sound begins with pain as torsion after stopping hiccup. The food does not digest properly due to such symptoms. Sometimes, a child excretes out watery stools and sometime solid. He feels much hunger and thirst. A child remains weak and thin even after eating much. These types of symptoms occur in the case of indigestion. Causes: Over eating, taking solid eatables, food does not digest easily and taking purgative drugs, etc. are the main reasons of it. Use different drugs in the case of indigestion:​ In the condition of indigestion, stop giving those things which can not be digested easily and give light and easily digestible things to children. Addition to them, giving drugs like- Arsenic-6 or China-6 is very useful. Oleander-3, Nux-vom 30 or Sulphur 30, etc. should be also given to the child for getting quick benefits. Inability to digest Symptoms: There are few symptoms occur in a child due to disordering of the digestive system, which is very painful. The child feels coldness in his/her stomach just after eating, hiccup starts and rumbling sound begins with pain as torsion after stopping hiccup. The food does not digest properly due to such symptoms. Sometimes, a child excretes out watery stools and sometime solid. He feels much hunger and thirst. A child remains weak and thin even after eating much. These types of symptoms occur in the case of indigestion. Causes: Over eating, taking solid eatables, food does not digest easily and taking purgative drugs, etc. are the main reasons of it. Use different drugs in the case of indigestion:​ In the condition of indigestion, stop giving those things which can not be digested easily and give light and easily digestible things to children. Addition to them, giving drugs like- Arsenic-6 or China-6 is very useful. Oleander-3, Nux-vom 30 or Sulphur 30, etc. should be also given to the child for getting quick benefits. Inability to digest Symptoms: There are few symptoms occur in a child due to disordering of the digestive system, which is very painful. The child feels coldness in his/her stomach just after eating, hiccup starts and rumbling sound begins with pain as torsion after stopping hiccup. The food does not digest properly due to such symptoms. Sometimes, a child excretes out watery stools and sometime solid. He feels much hunger and thirst. A child remains weak and thin even after eating much. These types of symptoms occur in the case of indigestion. Causes: Over eating, taking solid eatables, food does not digest easily and taking purgative drugs, etc. are the main reasons of it. Use different drugs in the case of indigestion:​ In the condition of indigestion, stop giving those things which can not be digested easily and give light and easily digestible things to children. Addition to them, giving drugs like- Arsenic-6 or China-6 is very useful. Oleander-3, Nux-vom 30 or Sulphur 30, etc. should be also given to the child for getting quick benefits. Inability to digest Symptoms: There are few symptoms occur in a child due to disordering of the digestive system, which is very painful. The child feels coldness in his/her stomach just after eating, hiccup starts and rumbling sound begins with pain as torsion after stopping hiccup. The food does not digest properly due to such symptoms. Sometimes, a child excretes out watery stools and sometime solid. He feels much hunger and thirst. A child remains weak and thin even after eating much. These types of symptoms occur in the case of indigestion. Causes: Over eating, taking solid eatables, food does not digest easily and taking purgative drugs, etc. are the main reasons of it. Use different drugs in the case of indigestion:​ In the condition of indigestion, stop giving those things which can not be digested easily and give light and easily digestible things to children. Addition to them, giving drugs like- Arsenic-6 or China-6 is very useful. Oleander-3, Nux-vom 30 or Sulphur 30, etc. should be also given to the child for getting quick benefits.

Inability to digest Symptoms: There are few symptoms occur in a child due to disordering of the digestive system, which is very painful. The child feels coldness in his/her stomach just after eating, hiccup starts and rumbling sound begins with pain as torsion after stopping hiccup. The food does not digest properly due to such symptoms. Sometimes, a child excretes out watery stools and sometime solid. He feels much hunger and thirst. A child remains weak and thin even after eating much. These types of symptoms occur in the case of indigestion. Causes: Over eating, taking solid eatables, food does not digest easily and taking purgative drugs, etc. are the main reasons of it. Use different drugs in the case of indigestion:​ In the condition of indigestion, stop giving those things which can not be digested easily and give light and easily digestible things to children. Addition to them, giving drugs like- Arsenic-6 or China-6 is very useful. ***Oleander-3, Nux-vom 30** or Sulphur 30, **etc. should be also given to the child for getting quick benefits.