We Offer a full range of Professional mental Health services to children, Adults, Couples, and Families.

Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago. It’s based on two unconventional theories:

Homeopathic products come from plants (such as red onion, arnica [mountain herb], poison ivy, belladonna [deadly nightshade], and stinging nettle), minerals (such as white arsenic), or animals (such as crushed whole bees). Homeopathic products are often made as sugar pellets to be placed under the tongue; they may also be in other forms, such as ointments, gels, drops, creams, and tablets. Treatments are “individualized” or tailored to each person—it’s common for different people with the same condition to receive different treatments. Homeopathy uses a different diagnostic system for assigning treatments to individuals and recognizes clinical . patterns of signs and symptoms that are different from those of conventional medicine.



Winter Diseases: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Prevention

Winter is here and it’s a quite busy time with exciting get-togethers, Thanksgiving, holiday parties and family dinners. However, as we get ready for the charming winters, it is also important that we don’t forget the unpleasant side of the season, such as the dip in temperature and other related factors that can lead to a multitude of health problems, also called winter diseases or seasonal diseases.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common seasonal diseases in winter along with their ... symptoms, prevention and treatment.

Types of Winter Diseases:

People get sick with changing seasons as the shift in temperature causes viruses to flourish which then spread diseases. During the winter season, diseases can appear suddenly and leave you feeling sluggish and lethargic. For example, you can get a sore throat which can later turn into a severe infection making it quite painful to swallow food or water. Moreover, due to the cold season, your body cools down and even simple illnesses are difficult to heal.

Hence, it is recommended to take precautionary measures and avoid seasonal diseases in winter. Here is the list of winter illnesses and ways of their successful prevention and treatment.

Common Cold:

The common cold is often regarded as a part and parcel of the colder months as it is widespread during that time. The reason is dry and cold climates offer the optimum conditions for the rhinovirus to replicate and thrive.

Although common colds can be annoying, you can still continue with your usual activities and the cold will subside in two to four days. In case it stays for a longer period than that, it is necessary to get medical help.

Symptoms: Common cold symptoms usually show up within one to three days of being exposed to the rhinovirus. Some of them include runny nose, congestion, sore throat, cough, sneezing, mild headache and body pain, malaise and low-grade fever.

Prevention: Stopping the virus from spreading is the best way of common cold prevention. It is crucial to wash hands frequently and avoid contact with people who have a cold. If one of the family members is sick, avoid sharing dishware and use a disinfectant to clean surfaces like light switches and countertops inside the home.

Treatment: As there is no cure for the common cold, it is advisable to take decongestants and take proper rest. Antibiotics don’t work against cold viruses and aren’t recommended unless there’s a bacterial infection.


Pneumonia is a life-threatening disease in which viral and bacterial infections (commonly the Streptococcus or pneumococcus bacteria) spread out in the alveoli or tiny sacs of the lungs clogging them with fluids. Therefore, pneumonia causes shortness of breath in individuals suffering from it. The germs that cause pneumonia can spread by coughing, sneezing or touching infected objects and then touching the mouth or nose.

Symptoms: Some of the symptoms associated with pneumonia are severe cough with green phlegm, high fever accompanied with chills and headache, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, the purple colouration of the skin, vomiting, sweating, and muscle pain.

Prevention: For the prevention of bacterial pneumonia, the PCV13 (Prevnar 13) and PPSV23 (Pneumovax) shots may be given. Other than that, you can focus on general health and hygiene standards, such as getting proper exercise, rest and diet to lower the risks of getting bacterial pneumonia.

Treatment: The most common form of treatment is taking antibiotics. It is crucial to finish the prescribed doses or else you can get sick again. In cases of severe or stubborn pneumonia, oxygen treatment, IV fluids and medications are given.

Acute Ear Infection:

An acute ear infection is a common winter ailment in which bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae cause inflammation and fluid build-up in the middle ear. Other causes of acute ear infection are cold, smoking, sinus infection and changes in climatic conditions.

Symptoms: The symptoms of acute ear infection are severe pain, hearing loss, discomfort in the ear, etc.

Prevention: Ear infection of any type can be prevented by following the steps below.

Periodically cleaning the ears by washing them or through cotton swabs is essential. Make sure to dry your ears completely after taking a shower or swimming. Avoid smoking. Ensure your vaccines are up to date. Manage allergies through medications. Maintain general hygiene. Treatment: Usually, antibiotics are prescribed if the diseases caused by cold weather are due to bacteria and not viruses. If the ear infection is accompanied by pain, your doctor may recommend pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).


The norovirus is an infectious illness that can occur to people of all ages and at any time of the year. However, it is more common in the winter.

The virus causes diarrhoea and vomiting and is hence called the winter vomiting bug.

Symptoms: The common symptoms of norovirus infection are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach pain, fever and chills.

Prevention: There are no vaccines that can prevent the virus, but you can avoid it by –

Following proper hand and oral hygiene. Eating thoroughly cooked food. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in the home. Treatment: Norovirus infection can resolve within a few days without any treatment. However, your doctor might prescribe over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medication.

Strep Throat:

Strep throat, caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria, is a critical infection occurring in the throat and tonsils. It is a common illness caused by cold weather in children within the age group of five to fifteen years. Winter care for the kids is important to prevent this infection.

Symptoms: A sharp pain in the throat is the obvious symptom that someone with strep throat will experience. Other symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, swollen lymph nodes and vomiting.

Prevention: To prevent strep throat, you can try the following tips.

Drink more warm fluids during the season. Stay hydrated. Wash your hands frequently. Gargle when you feel a slight soreness developing in the throat. Get proper rest. Treatment

Unlike sore throats that can go away without treatment, oral antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of strep throat. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be recommended to alleviate the pain and fever.

How to Be Safe from an Illness During Winter:

The cold weather and shorter days during the winter can make you lose the motivation to exercise and stay healthy and fit. This could lead to a weak immune system posing a greater risk of contracting the diseases. It is better to prevent them from occurring than going for the treatment options, and the best way to do that is to plan ahead and be careful. Here are some tips to help you stay safe from cold weather diseases.

Wash your hands frequently: It is the most common disease prevention tip as well as the most ignored one. Making it a habit to wash your hands frequently ensures that you are getting rid of the disease-causing germs off your hands and also prevents spreading it.

Add vitamin C to your diet: Vitamin C helps the body to fight the symptoms of cold, flu and other common winter illnesses. Also, consider adding to your diet the best foods for winter to keep away from the flu.

Drink herbal teas: Drinking herbal teas like chamomile can relax your body and help you rest better.

Practice meditation: Meditation helps you keep away from winter blues, anxiety and stress. Your body can fight infections better if you have lower anxiety and stress levels.

It is essential to take a holistic approach to general physical and mental health during winters. Following healthy habits and safety practices will help you lower the chances of getting sick so that you enjoy a healthy and happy holiday season


Disease in winters:


of the two oval-shaped tissue pads at the back of the throat. This inflammation results in enlargement of the tonsils with irritation and pain in the throat, which can further make swallowing and gulping of food (and water) a distressing experience. According to medical experts, virus and bacteria in the air are the primary contributors to tonsil infection.

What are the Causes of Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is most often caused by viruses, & bacterial infections according to the etiological factors

The viral tonsillitis- Viruses are the most common cause of tonsillitis. Viruses that cause most ... of the acute tonsillitis are the adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza, coronavirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. Less common viruses are the herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus, and HIV. There are many different viruses that can cause tonsillitis, including

Influenza Virus,
Parainfluenza Virus,
Epstein-Barr Virus (Mononucleosis),
Measles Virus, etc

Homoeopathic Medicines for Tonsils.

Here there are some common homeopathy medicines given for tonsillitis

Belladonna – belladonna is the most common and hugely prescribed homeopathy medicines in tonsillitis. Belladonna has the best anti inflammatory action and thus helps a lot to relief the symptoms both in acute and chronic condition. The key symptoms by which belladonna is prescribes are – pain in throat at the time of wallowing, red congested and swelling of tonsils, mild to moderate fever associates with tonsillitis, headache and malaise also present. The tonsils are been affected by taking any cold things like chilled drink or ice cream or cold drink or exposing to cold air etc. The throat pain is slightly relieved after taking any sort of warm drink. If all those symptoms are prominently found in a tonsillitis patient then belladonna is the suitable medicine for that person.

Mercurius Solubis- Here is another best medicine for tonsillitis. The key symptoms to prescribe tonsillitis are – pain in throat, congestion of tonsils and unable to drink or eat anything. There is more salivation from mouth. The pain is worse in the night time in compare to day time. There is swelling of tonsils and also swelling of other lymph nodes in neck and sub mandibular regions. There is mild to moderate fever and the person feels thirsty though there is more salivation. If the above symptoms are prominent in any tonsillitis patient this medicine is most suitable medicine for that person

Phytolacca- it is also one of the important medicine in tonsillitis. The tonsils are dark red or bluish red in colour. There is much pain at the root of tongue, soft palate. The tonsils are swollen. There is a sensation of a lump in throat. While taking any food the throat feels rough, narrow, and hot. The Tonsils are swollen, especially of right side. There is a sharp shooting pain into ears on swallowing anything. There is much pain when swallow anything hot. The pain of phytolacca is burning type of pain. The person cannot swallow anything even water.

Hepar Sulphur- Hepar Sulphur is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for tonsillitis. The tendency to suppuration is most marked, and has been a strong guiding symptom in tonsillitis. When swallowing, sensations as if a plug and of a splinter like sensation in throat. There is quinsy with suppuration of tonsils. When swallowing there is stitching type of pain in throat extending to the ear. There is mild to moderate fever and chilliness is feeling during the tonsillitis affection. The person is very chill and cannot tolerate any cold air or cold water.

Belladonna – belladonna is the most common and hugely prescribed homeopathy medicines in tonsillitis. Belladonna has the best anti inflammatory action and thus helps a lot to relief the symptoms both in acute and chronic condition. The key symptoms by which belladonna is prescribes are – pain in throat at the time of wallowing, red congested and swelling of tonsils, mild to moderate fever associates with tonsillitis, headache and malaise also present. The tonsils are been affected by taking any cold things like chilled drink or ice cream or cold drink or exposing to cold air etc. The throat pain is slightly relieved after taking any sort of warm drink. If all those symptoms are prominently found in a tonsillitis patient then belladonna is the suitable medicine for that person.

Calcarea Carb – It is a medicine for chronic tonsillitis problem. The person is bulky, obese, gaining weight easily. He is though fatty but very weak in stamina. Exhausted or tired on slightest physical activity. He/she sweats a lot on slightest physical exertion. He is very susceptible to catch cold. the tonsils are large, swelled and get acutely affected on slightest exposure to cold. The throat appearance itself is not always sufficient to prescribe on, but the complaints in the throat are those that come on in persons taking cold so frequently. On every cold he will have cough, tonsil affection, appetite lost. The calcarea carb child is very lazy and lethargic in nature. he takes cold from every, draft, from very exposure, and from damp weather. There are little red patches in the throat, this extends to the roof of the mouth, a sore tongue, and a constant dry, choking feeling in the pharynx, covering the tonsils. The throat is very painful on swallowing.

Baryta Carb – it is one of the 1st grade medicine for chronic tonsillitis. The tonsils are inflamed, swelled and very painful in acute condition. After the acute attack passed on the tonsils looks larger than with the last cold. The child is weak, not fatty like calcarea carb. Physically and also mentally he is week. He/she has a tendency to catch cold very easily. But the most important symptom is whenever he catch cold first it attack to the tonsil or throat. So it is written in allens materia medica that every cold settles in the throat. The person sweats more from the feet. Every cold change inflames the tonsils, and in children they very soon enlarge. Children with enlarged tonsils, and with enlarged glands in other places, somewhat weak intellectually, slow to learn. The throat is very painful on swallowing. On every cold change of the weather, and on every exposure to the cold, he gets rattling respiration.

Self care tips :

Tonsillitis is highly contagious. To decrease your risk of getting tonsillitis, stay away from people who have active infections. Wash your hands often, especially after coming into contact with someone who has a sore throat, or is coughing or sneezing. If you have tonsillitis, try to stay away from others until you are no longer contagious.

Drink plenty of fluids
Get lots of rest
Gargle with warm salt water several times a day
Use throat lozenges
Use a humidifier to moisten the air in your home

This information should be used only designed to provide helpful on the medical subject discussed information should not be considered as replacement for advice and consultation form a health care expert. This content and information is not meant to be used nor should be it is used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions or difficulties. Consult a medical doctor. The creater are not responsible for any specific health or elegy needs. That may require medical supervision and are liable for any damage or any negative consequences from any treatment application in the website. We insist you to consult with a qualified practitioner for guidance. On this site is not comprehensive, weakness or that treatment . Contact your healthcare professional promptly If you have any health related question never neglect or delay medical advice upon the medical advice.

REQUEST🙏🌹🙏 ********

All the senior citizens of this group are requested to adhere to certain points so that the cold spell of these TWO Months are tackled with comfort and cozy Life style.
1 Avoid going for walk before sunrise, Let the Sun God Rise above to warm the atmosphere.
2 Ensure your Feet, Head & Chest are fully covered with warm clothing.
3 Daily do exercise, Yoga & walk during day time.
4 Take time out to sit in the Sun at least for ONE hour.
5 Don't expose yourself to cold winds while sitting in Sun, find a place where you don't have direct attack of chilling Cold wind.
6 Drink hot water & avoid intake of cold & refrigerated stuff.
7 Go to bed early, have very light Dinner atleast 2 hours before retiring to bed.
8 Remain positive, happy & have lots of laughter while enjoying the company of HUM --UMARS
9 Eat Jaggery ( GUD) & Honey
10 Avoid falling sick during Corona period, so Put on Mask as & when you step out of your houses.
Also maintain social Distancing.


Disease in winters:

Ear infection:

Symptoms of Ear Infections:

The main symptoms of ear infections are pain, ear discharge (varies from fluid to thick discharge and from white to yellow-green color) and pressure feeling in the ear. Fever may accompany acute infection. Diminished hearing and noises... in the ear (tinnitus) and vertigo may also appear.

Primary Remedies

Belladonna. Intense bouts of earache that come and go very suddenly, with heat and inflammation, suggest a need for this remedy. ..

Chamomilla. ...
Hepar sulphuris calcareum. ...
Mercurius solubilis. ...
Pulsatilla. ...
Aconitum napellus. ...
Ferrum phosphoricum. ...
Kali muriaticum.

Homeopathic Medicines for Ear Infections

Homeopathy offers complete recovery from ear infections. These are natural medicines that work by boosting the natural defense mechanism of the body to fight with the infection process. They also provide immunity against contracting ear infection in the future. They can effectively manage the pain, discharge from the ear and also the fever accompanying the ear infection. They also provide a shield in preventing complications resulting from an ear infection, including hearing loss, eardrum perforation, and mastoiditis.

The highly recommended medicines for ear infections are Belladonna, Kali Mur, Merc Sol, and Calcarea Sulph. Belladonna is indicated when acute pain appears from an ear infection. Kali Mur is one of the best medicines for an ear infection with white colored ear discharges. Merc Sol works wonders when ear discharges are offensive and bloodstained. Calcarea Sulph is recommended for an ear infection with yellow colored ear discharges.

1. For Ear Infections to Relieve Acute Pain in Ear Two wonderful medicines for ear infections to relieve acute ear pain are Belladonna and Chamomilla. Belladonna is selected when the pain and sensitivity in the ear are marked. Pain is severe, throbbing and pulsating in nature. It is the best choice when the ear infection has followed throat infection. Chamomilla is effective when ear pain is of a stitching nature. Even a slight touch worsens the earache. A pressure in the ears with stoppage sensation also appears. Pain could make the person angry and irritable.

2. For Ear Infections with Ear Discharges Some highly useful medicines for ear infections with ear discharges are Kali Mur, Calcarea Sulph and Pulsatilla. Kali Mur is very helpful when the ear discharges are white in color. Calcarea Sulph is a suitable medicine for ear infection with thick yellow ear discharge. And last medicine Pulsatilla is prescribed for ear infection with green colored ear discharges.

3. For Ear Infections with Pus Discharges Silicea, Hepar Sulph and Merc Sol are the best medicines for ear infections with pus discharges. Silicea and Hepar Sulph are wonderful natural medicines for ear infection that aids in pus absorption. And Merc Sol is a beneficial medicine when along with pus blood also starts oozing from the ear.

4. For Ear Infections with Offensive Ear Discharge Psorinum and Tellurium are suitable medicines for ear infections with offensive ear discharge. Psorinum works well when ear discharge is fetid, offensive, and putrid. It may be brownish in color. Intolerable itching in the ear may also appear. Tellurium is a good prescription when ear discharge is acrid and offensive. The discharge is of a fishy odor and is very irritating in nature.

5. For Ear Infections Accompanied by Fever Belladonna and Hepar Sulph are excellent medicines for ear infections accompanied by fever. Belladonna is suggested for ear infection with high fever. The body is extremely hot to touch. And Hepar Sulph is indicated for an ear infection with pus-like discharges and fever. Fever with a marked chill is present.

This information should be used only designed to provide helpful on the medical subject discussed information should not be considered as replacement for advice and consultation form a health care expert. This content and information is not meant to be used nor should be it is used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions or difficulties. Consult a medical doctor. The creater are not responsible for any specific health or elegy needs. That may require medical supervision and are liable for any damage or any negative consequences from any treatment application in the website. We insist you to consult with a qualified practitioner for guidance. On this site is not comprehensive, weakness or that treatment . Contact your healthcare professional promptly If you have any health related question never neglect or delay medical advice upon the medical advice.

REQUEST🙏🌹🙏 ********

All the senior citizens of this group are requested to adhere to certain points so that the cold spell of these TWO Months are tackled with comfort and cozy Life style.
1 Avoid going for walk before sunrise, Let the Sun God Rise above to warm the atmosphere.
2 Ensure your Feet, Head & Chest are fully covered with warm clothing.
3 Daily do exercise, Yoga & walk during day time.
4 Take time out to sit in the Sun at least for ONE hour.
5 Don't expose yourself to cold winds while sitting in Sun, find a place where you don't have direct attack of chilling Cold wind.
6 Drink hot water & avoid intake of cold & refrigerated stuff.
7 Go to bed early, have very light Dinner atleast 2 hours before retiring to bed.
8 Remain positive, happy & have lots of laughter while enjoying the company of HUM --UMARS
9 Eat Jaggery ( GUD) & Honey
10 Avoid falling sick during Corona period, so Put on Mask as & when you step out of your houses.
Also maintain social Distancing.


Boosting your immune system to stay healthy is essential at this time of stress and pandemic. And with the arrival of autumn, when the body is weaker, we need to adopt certain preventive approaches, such as a good diet or homeopathy, which can help strengthen our immunity:


Immunity [1] refers to the body’s ability to defend itself against foreign agents like viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. It can be natural, that is, active since birth, or acquired through our immune memory.

Acquired immunity refers to the body’s ability to learn, adapt and remember a threat. Therefore, if we contract certain diseases again, our body can release the appropriate antibodies and immune defences to fight it.

However, if the body has never been faced with a disease before, this immune memory is not present and the body has more difficulty organising itself to react quickly and effectively. Which is why it is important to strengthen its natural immunity.

This natural immunity, also known as innate immunity, can neutralise most infectious agents. It consists mainly of the natural barriers of the skin, tears and mucous membranes. ...

This natural immunity can be weakened or strengthened depending on each individual’s habits and practices.

A number of factors and good practices can boost the immune system, including a good lifestyle, healthy eating and regular exercise. Food supplements and essential oils can also be used to strengthen the body’s natural defences. But if we want to act over the long term and without side effects, homeopathy remains a safe treatment recommended by many homeopathic general practitioners and pharmacists to support the immune system.

Typically, therefore, homeopathic doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines to improve immunity during viral epidemics, for example, or for intestinal problems such as gastroenteritis or winter infections.


Homeopathy is therefore an ideal treatment to boost the body’s natural immunity in the run up to winter, to avoid the onset of diseases or at least minimise their effects. During the coldest months of the year, the body faces a double threat.

First, viruses circulate more easily when we are inside. Second, the body slows down a little due to stress, fatigue and vitamin deficiencies, caused largely by the decrease in daylight hours. A multitude of factors that explain why the body’s ability to fight external aggressions is impaired.

This is where homeopathy can come into play. Healthcare professionals regularly advise it to improve immunity, reduce the virulence of symptoms, or promote faster recovery.


Homeopathy offers complete recovery from ear infections. These are natural medicines that work by boosting the natural defense mechanism of the body to fight with the infection process. They also provide immunity against contracting ear infection in the future. They can effectively manage the pain, discharge from the ear and also the fever accompanying the ear infection. They also provide a shield in preventing complications resulting from an ear infection, including hearing loss, eardrum perforation, and mastoiditis.

Because it treats the individual as a whole while providing individualised treatment, homeopathy is particularly effective at helping patients strengthen their natural immunity. Everyone, in their body and with their life history, has specific needs and possible deficiencies.

Homeopathy’s holistic approach contributes to the general strengthening of the patient’s state of health, in particular by taking into account the need to strengthen their natural defences from the outset.

This approach is only possible because homeopathy includes an examination of the psychological context, the living environment, etc. in its treatment. All of these factors help prescribe appropriate and personalised medicines. Therefore, identical symptoms in two individuals can be treated differently depending on each individual’s personal data.

It is this consideration of individual realities that explains why more and more oncologists are using homeopathy to help their cancer patients improve their quality of life in parallel with more aggressive treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy which harm their immune systems.

5 Homeopathic Medicines to Increase Immunity:

The immune system within your body is what protects you from all the attacks of various microbes from the world outside. However, the immune system itself can face problems and can defend the body only so much. Thus it is wise to add some homeopathic medicines and help the immune system fight the possible intruders better.Let's have a look at some of them:

1. Gelsemium: This medication is extracted from the vine Gelsemium sempervirens, and is known as a very effective remedy when you have flu like symptoms with the cold such as, exhaustion, body ache and fever.

2. Arsenicum album: A very well known remedy for food poisoning as well as other digestive disorders, Arsenicum album can be very effective in treating a wide variety of stomach related illnesses caused by the reaction to foreign microbes.

3. Oscillococcinum: This medication contains trace amounts of duck liver and heart and is known to be a good immune booster. Effective in the cases of cold and flu like symptoms, oscillococcinum can effectively treat fever with flu and other symptoms, although it may take a bit of time for it start acting. It is thus best to consult with your homeopathic doctor before starting a course. Allium cepa:If you have flu like symptoms with teary eyes and nasal congestion, Allium cepa is a very good remedy. You have to take a few doses before the symptoms start subsiding. One dose contains three to five pellets and you might have to take about two to three doses daily for a couple of days for the symptoms to subside.

4. Combination medications: There are multiple medical combinations, which can help you boost your immunity as well. Consult your Homeopathic doctor to get the best combination for your specific condition. Some of these combinations are: Calcarea Carbonica 30-1 dose, Phosphorus - 1 dose,Lycopodium 30-1 dose: This combination is very effective in treating sensitive colds where fever may or may not exist but causes extreme nasal blockages.

5. Lycopodium 30, Sabadilla 30: This combination is very effective when the cold and nasal blockages are due to pollen sensitivity and occur during the pollinating season. This can be used in a regular dosage to not only stop the symptoms but to also stop the allergy from happening in the first place.

What is Immunity & Immune System?:

Immunity can be defined as the self defending capacity of the body to recognize and preserve the particles of the self, and to distinctly recognize and reject the things that are foreign to the human body. In short immunity is the body’s ability to fight against harmful germs and infections. Biologically immunity is defined as the balanced state of multicellular organisms having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasions, while having adequate tolerance to avoid allergy, and autoimmune diseases.

The immune system consists of special organs, cells and chemicals which help to fight the infections. They are the white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. The organs such as bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and thymus produce the lymphocytes. The lymphocytes are the white blood cells which are further classified into B and T cells. They attack and destroy the invading microorganisms or antigens. B cells retaliate by releasing antibodies specific to the antigen and the T cells destroys and kill the foreign invaders and abnormal cells.

There are three types of immunity in human beings. They are:

1. Innate immunity: which all the human beings are born with. The innate immunity begins to act against the invading germs from birth such as the skin and mucous membranes of the throat.

2. Adaptive immunity: which human beings develop throughout their lives as they are exposed to various diseases and pathogens.

3. Passive immunity: also called "borrowed" or temporary immunity is obtained from other outer sources and it lasts for a short time. Like a newborn baby which receives antibodies from the mother through placenta and in breast milk before and after birth respectively for a short period of life.

This information should be used only designed to provide helpful on the medical subject discussed information should not be considered as replacement for advice and consultation form a health care expert. This content and information is not meant to be used nor should be it is used to diagnose or treat any medical conditions for treatment or diagnosis of any medical conditions or difficulties. Consult a medical doctor. The creater are not responsible for any specific health or elegy needs. That may require medical supervision and are liable for any damage or any negative consequences from any treatment application in the website. We insist you to consult with a qualified practitioner for guidance. On this site is not comprehensive, weakness or that treatment . Contact your healthcare professional promptly If you have any health related question never neglect or delay medical advice upon the medical advice.

REQUEST🙏🌹🙏 ********

All the senior citizens of this group are requested to adhere to certain points so that the cold spell of these TWO Months are tackled with comfort and cozy Life style.
1 Avoid going for walk before sunrise, Let the Sun God Rise above to warm the atmosphere.
2 Ensure your Feet, Head & Chest are fully covered with warm clothing.
3 Daily do exercise, Yoga & walk during day time.
4 Take time out to sit in the Sun at least for ONE hour.
5 Don't expose yourself to cold winds while sitting in Sun, find a place where you don't have direct attack of chilling Cold wind.
6 Drink hot water & avoid intake of cold & refrigerated stuff.
7 Go to bed early, have very light Dinner atleast 2 hours before retiring to bed.
8 Remain positive, happy & have lots of laughter while enjoying the company of HUM --UMARS
9 Eat Jaggery ( GUD) & Honey
10 Avoid falling sick during Corona period, so Put on Mask as & when you step out of your houses.
Also maintain social Distancing.

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