Gastralgia means ‘pain in the stomach (duodenum)’. The Duodenum is a part of the stomach in which, first of all food digests. When pain occurs in this part due to any disordering, it is called gastralgia. The gastralgia patient feels nauseate, vomiting occasionally, cramps in the stomach, strain, constipation, frequent excretion but not clearly, coming out gas from the anus, becoming the stomach tough, coming belches, etc. are found in the patient.
There are several reasons for being gastralgia:-
Gastralgia occurs due to swelling in the jathar-antra.
It can also due to acidity.
Gastralgia also occurs due to stiffness of the large intestine or intestinal muscles.
Peptic and duodenal ulcer can be also the reasons for gastralgia.
Flatulence is also the reasons for gastralgia.
The kidney’s stone can be the reason for gastralgia.
Gastralgia also occurs in the condition of liver related diseases.
Gastralgia also occurs due to air inside the stomach.
It is also due to cramps or strain in the stomach.
It can be due to taking heavy or stimulant, by getting cold, by taking cold things like an ice, etc.
Gastralgia is also due to constipation.
Sometimes, due to suppression of sweat, it can occur.
It occurs due to stone in the gall bladder.
If excretion is not clearly, gastralgia occurs.
The swelling of the appendix is also the reason of gastralgia.
Gastralgia can occur due to constipation.
In women, it is due to abnormal menstrual secretion.
Sometimes, it is due to going foreign materials (poisonous substances) into the stomach.
Treatment of gastralgia with different drugs:-
1. Arsenic- If the patient starts on rolling down on the floor due to violent pain in his
stomach, he also feels burning sensation with pain and feels as if burning charcoal is flaming inside the stomach, burning ameliorate and the patient gets some relief by fomentation on the stomach, he has desire to take hot tea. He feels as if stomach will burst after becoming inflate, the stomach can not be tolerated even a little touch, he is not able to lie down silently, etc., using Arsenic 30 or 200 is very effective to cure this disease.
2. China:- If the patient feels pain in the stomach due to air filled inside it that does not gives relief even after coming belches, loose motions also start resembling undigested food particles, he also feels weakness, etc., China 30 should be used to cure this disease.
3. Nux-vomica- If the patent has been feeling as if stone presents inside the stomach, paining here and there inside the stomach due to air in it, excretion in little quantity, stool does not comes out completely, so he has to go for toilet again and again, he feels as if little stools has left, feels as if stomach has not clear completely even after loose motions, also has the complaint of constipation, etc., Nux-vomica 30 can be used.
4. Aconite- Aconite 30 should be used to cure stomachache.
5. Cocculus- In women, 6 potency of this drug can be used in the condition of flatulence in pregnancy period.
6. Chamomile:-
When patient feels cramps and strain around the navel that causes pain in the stomach that becomes violent in the night and in summer season, he has also the complaints like- constipation, watery loose motions, flatulence, etc., for the treatment of such patient, taking Chamomila 12 or its mother tincture is very useful.
If the patient feels cutting pain in the stomach that is going again and again, he keeps on crying, getting relief by pressing the stomach, etc., Chamomila 30 is used to cure such patient.
Pain due to filling air in the stomach, stomachache in the children while dentition, he/she cries, sometimes he/she craves for this things and sometimes other and when he/she gets that thing, he/she is thrown it, sometimes stomachache starts due to much anger, etc. thus to cure such symptoms, taking Chamomila is beneficial.
Gas gets gathered here and there inside the stomach that causes pain in the stomach and is intolerable, pain is aggravated in the night and in the summe