Dr Neha Verma

Eye Disease,Photophobia

Photophobia Introduction: In this disease, the patient does not bear too much light and eyes start to be dazzled. Treatment of night blindness with different drugs:- 1. Belladonna:- The eyes become red, remains dry, water does not come out from them, the patient is not able to open his eyes well due to photophobia (unbearable light), and the face becomes red after swelling, the skin becomes red and hot, all the sense organs become unbearable even little touch does not bearable, the mouth and throat get dryness, but does not like to drink water, pain starts and goes, every things seemed colorful and the eyes become too red. Using 30 potency of this drug is very effective for the treatment of such symptoms.     2. Glonoine- If Belladonna makes no impression, 6 or 30 potency of this drug should be used. 3. Santonine- Colors do not visible and eyesight is ended suddenly. To cure the patient suffering from such symptoms, 2x potency of this drug should be used. The lower potency of this drug can give poisonous effects, so it should not be given to the children in the condition of fever or constipation.    4. Anhalonium-​ The super natural power (ghost) seems, horrible face seems, imaginary things seem which are very shiny. Thus, 30 potency of this drug should be used to cure such symptoms.   5. Phosphorus​- All the things seem blur, seems as if someone is seeing him from a corner of the house and some from the other corner. To cure such symptoms, 30 potency of this drug should be taken. 6. Nux-vomica- If this disease has occurred due to over drinking (liquor) and by spending sensual night, using Nux-vomica 30 is very effective. 7. Rhus-tox:- The eyes of the patient are changed into red at night, light does not bearable, eyes become swell which secretes water, etc. To cure such symptoms of the patient, 30 potency of this drug should be used. 8. Euphrasia:- ​The light of earthen lamp (diya) and any other light are unbearable for the patient; water goes on coming out from the eyes continuously which gives burning sensation while this type of water which gives burning sensation begins to come out from the nose in catarrh. It is beneficial to use 3 or 6 potency of this drug for the treatment of such symptoms.   9. Aconite- If purulent ophthalmia has occurred by exposure to cold, is not able to open the eyes, light is unbearable, swelling and pain occur in the eyes, etc., 30 potency of this drug should be used. 10. Nux-vomica- If the patient is suffering from photophobia due to over drinking, Nux-vomica 30 should be used to cure such symptoms of patient. 11. Belladonna- 30 potency of this drug should be also used to cure photophobia occurred due to over drinking (liquor). 12. Rhus-tox- If the patient is suffering from photophobia (unable to bear bright light) and he has difficulty to open his eyes at night, Rhus-tox 30 should be taken to cure such symptoms of the patient.   13. Euphrasia- ​If the patient is suffering from photophobia, water begins to blow from the eyes as soon as he opens his eyes which give burning sensation on the cheek, etc., using Euphrasia 6 is very effective.