Dr Neha Verma

Eye Disease,Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis Introduction:- The eyelids which rise up and close become swell. This swelling is called ‘Conjunctivitis’. This swelling occurs in the internal layer of the eyelids. The eyelids which open upwards are closed due to swelling. In the condition of this type swelling (conjunctivitis), first of all, the eyes should be washed with the lotion of Boric-acid. To prepare lotion, mix 0.48 g Boric acid in 28 ml lukewarm water. This lotion should be used to cure this disease.     Use of different drugs in conjunctivitis:- First of all, this drug should be used to treat conjunctivitis. If conjunctivitis has occurred due to operation (surgery) of the eyes, exposure to cold or dry cold air and the patient feels burning sensation in the eyes, dryness in the eyelids and he is feeling as if sand particles are pricking in the eyes, pain is as much violent as he is not able to tolerate it and says as if death is better than it; feeling as if eyeballs are coming out, does not like light, etc. Aconite 30 should be used to cure such symptoms. 1. Apis:- The eyelids of the patient get swelling, the internal part of the eyelids becomes red, warm water comes out from the eyes. Such symptoms of the eyes occur due to accumulation of blood in the eyes. When the patient washes his eyes with cold water, he gets some relief. To cure such type of symptoms, 3 potency of this drug should be used. 2. Rhus-tox:- The eyelids of the patient get swelling, the internal section of the eyelids becomes red and warm water goes on blowing from the eyes. These types of symptoms occur due to swelling of the eyes. When the patient uses warm foment, he gets some relief. To cure such symptoms of the patient, Rhus-tox 30 should be used. Apis and Arsenic can be used in a case of purulent ophthalmia.   3. Pulsatilla:- ​Using 30 potency of this drug is very effective to cure conjunctivitis, by that crop of, this disease gets cure. Following symptoms are also present in the patient suffering from this disease- concentrated yellow secretion or yellowish blue secretion from the eyes which does not give burning sensation; the eyes do not open in the morning due to pus, etc.                         4. Euphrasia:- To cure this disease, Euphrasia 6 should be used. This drug acts better on the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. So, this drug is very useful in the cases of catarrh and purulent ophthamia. The eyelids become swell and red from inside, small blisters and wounds appear there, concentrated secretion from the eyes which give burning sensation causes scratch on the cheek. If this disease occurs due to hurt in the eyes and presents above symptoms then disease can cure by the action of this drug.           5. Belladonna:- Violent pain starts in the eyes and the attack of this disease is unexpectedly, all the symptoms are raised up soon, the patient does not like light, as if the eyes have become big by swelling, the internal section of the eyelids becomes bright red. To cure such symptoms, using Belladonna 30 is very effective by that crop of, this disease is cured. This drug can be also used in the condition of accumulation of the blood in the eyes with pain in it.